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Tests readability is one of the key factors of successful long term maintenance. Tests are live documentation of business requirements so readability is crucial also from this point of view. Last but not least assertions logic is most important - they should verify if our code is actually doing what it's meant to do. How we can create easy to read assertions? How can we make them reusable and powerful? This article will answer those questions and show how to simplify it by using AssertJ assertions generator.
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Check out list of tools I'm using for different purposes in my daily work. I'll also mention other alternatives I've tried and decided not to use (and explain why).
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Scrum encourages to estimate using relative story points rather than using time. The reason is that it's difficult to accurately estimate using time. It will differ depending on the knowledge and seniority of people that will work on the story. So why so many teams and organizations use time estimations? Why do we even want to estimate? In this article, I'll share the pros and cons of both approaches. I'll describe why it's difficult to change mindset to relative story points and explain a simple approach to do it.
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I sometimes see people that are not doing the best they could. There could be thousands of reasons. They are tired or not motivated? Maybe they're frustrated because they are stuck doing something that is not their passion? Or they escape from difficulties of tasks in front of them into time wasters? Another issue I observe is that people are not always doing the right thing. Sometimes shortcut seems to be more attractive than a proper (difficult) solution. I also sometimes see people net being very cooperative, giving enough understanding and compassion to others. I've been through all of this myself. And as a matter of fact, I'm still struggling with such issues from time to time. I'd like to share my thoughts on this topic and make a public statement on my personal code of conduct that I try to work and live by every day. It helps me to keep focus and to always do the right thing.
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